Friday, October 21, 2011

Good Dog Design: Cats on Feel Good Friday


Well now doesn't this just sum up cat week on The White Dog Blog.  Kind of makes you want to say "and they lived happily ever after" doesn't it.

Although how come the cat gets to drive??

Thanks once again to Cate at the BlanketId blog (you really must check it out here because she finds great stuff ) we now know where to find the perfect holiday gifts for our westie friends who are also cat lovers.  I have a real affinity to chase 'em so we aren't gonna go there in our house, but apparently PFCE (peaceful feline coexistence) is possible, despite our out and out instinct to tear them up terrier-tude.

These bookmarks can be found here, in kilkenneycat's etsy shop, and here is one more we just love:


Here's hoping you enjoyed cat week.  Who knew that those other four-leggeders had as much cool stuff to choose from as we did???

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