Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Kinda Wordless Wednesday

Sorry we've been missing in action.  Darn real life.  I hate it when it interferes with my blogging.
We've got a lot of people with a lot going on right now.
You know who you are.
Paws are crossed for all of you.
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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Bzzzzzz -- it was quite a walk!

Spring has sprung and look at the lovelies we see on our walk now.  Yay, yay, yay because all the pretty stuff blooming makes my mom want to be outside more which means I get to go on better, longer walks!
Well, OK.  The whole "Better and Longer Walks" theory actually fell apart pretty quick.  It was good while it lasted, but then we realized there were bees EVERYwhere.  Buzz off, you little walk shorteners!!!
Ok. Ok.  You're right.  It wasn't just the bees.  It was HOT and I needed to rest, so I crawled under the table.  Would. Not. Budge.  Not for nothing.
Which is why on this particular walk all we got was the one picture of me, not looking at the camera, leash draped over my back, in front of some not real pretty plant.
Sorry, puppers.  Better shot next time!
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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shhhh, be very quiet!

Shhh, puppers.  We have to be very quiet and we absolutely, totally and completely cannot go near this particular plant on our patio.  A mama dove is sitting on her baby dove and I am not supposed to scare her or she might come after me.  We have been watching and she is a very good mama -- she does not budge from her perch except for that one time when I charged her before we realized there was a nest there and I was allowed on the patio without my leash and I am very sorry but what can I say I am a hunter and I could not help myself but now I know better.  We are not sure how long she has been there but we will keep you posted on any progress!
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Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy Birthday to one of my favorite favorites!

Well hip hip horray!  It's Aunty Karen's birthday!
I hope it is filled with treats, long walks, treats, pupcakes, treats, and play time!
We love you!
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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Take me with you ...

Listen, I know I portray myself as totally independent and all that, but the truth is, I really, REALLY like to be near my people.
And when I say people, I mean BOTH people.
From time to time one or the other of them tries to sneak away and I don't like it.  Not one bit.
So I have a new technique --- I try to pack myself in the luggage. 
I mean, seriously, why would they want to leave without moi anyway?
Surely they are sad to leave me behind, yes?
So I don't think I will get in trouble for this one.  I mean, seriously, it is not like I am peeing in the bag or anything.  I'm just hanging out, you know?
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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Looking good, if I do say so myself!

Wowza.  In my thank you's yesterday I TOTALLY forgot to mention the very wonderful new collar that Sophie included in the Easter Basket she sent me.  (Note to EB: next year you might want to include a collar in my basket.)
I think it is perfect for Springtime, and it is SO MUCH BETTER than the stinky dirty falling apart old thing that I was wearing before (geesh, Mom, and you call yourself a fashionista?)
Looking good, puppers.  Looking good!

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Monday, April 1, 2013

Well Hippity Hoppity!

Well check out the Easter Basket my girlfriend Sophie sent me, puppers.
Fabulous, yes?
It had my favorite thing in it .... BALLS FILLED WITH TREATS.
And, it had carrots filled with treats too.
And TOYS!!!
Needless to say, I LOVED IT.
And, Sophie kinda out did the Easter Bunny.  Sorry, dude.  I appreciate you stopping by and all, but what with me not wanting to wear the celebratory Easter Egg glasses and you getting shown up by Sophie, I think it is safe to say that it just wasn't our year.
Don't get me wrong.  I have NEVER met a gift bag I didn't like!
And, I don't mean to sound unappreciative or anything, because you did bring my favorite treats, Easter Bunny, and I do appreciate that!
Thank you, thank you for a GREAT Easter!
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