So before company came the other day my mom said "What stinks around here?" We had already done a good bit of cleaning but Ms. Nose Almost As Good As Mine was still smelling something. After going around and around in a dog like sniffing pattern that actually did us proud, puppers, she determined it was my toy box. Go figure, she had a problem with "eau de toy basket."
There is no such thing as too many toys. |
Personally, I did not feel that it was necessary to do an inventory. I knew exactly every single thing that was in there and where it was in the aging process. Everything was just fine as far as I was concerned.
Perfectly aged treat remnants. Delicious! |
I had stockpiled a good many treat parts in my basket to save for a rainy day. You never know when mom or dad might get stuck at work longer than expected leaving you needing an afternoon snack or pre-dinner appetizer. Again, I don't know why she was so surprised to find my stash. I knew exactly what was in there and where it was in the ripening process.
I don't see anything in here that I am willing to part with, Mom. |
Imagine my shock when I realized she was going to do some "weeding out."
Listen mom, I don't comment on the fact that you're keeping 62 zillion pairs of shoes in your closet, I see no reason for you to concern yourself with what I keep in my so called closet. And, by the way, some of your shoes smell way worse than any of my toys, just so you know.
Thank heavens I have had so much practice pulling things out of gift bags ... totally came in handy when it came time to pull my toys back out of the "sharing" bag.
I did let her wash a few for the sake of having a good smelling house when company arrived.
But that is where I drew the line.
And the shoe comment totally got dad onboard with my team, which never hurts!