Have I ever mentioned that I had quite a mouth on me when I was a little pup?
From what they say, I was so loud you could hear me from miles away.
Mostly I did not, and still do not, like to be contained in any way.
My mom was so determined for me to be crate trained that one time she put me and my crate in her office and when I started howling she put ear plugs in.
Bless her heart. I out-howled the earplugs, plus she looked funny. I think it was the looking funny that made her decide to try another tactic. Which also didn't work, by the way.
I am a little better now. I only howl if you leave out the front door or if I can hear you outside and you are so rude as to not include me in your conversation. That REALLY gets me going.
And, with apologies to some of you, I occasionally get real loud around big dark dogs. Not my fault ... one came after me when I was little and unable to defend myself and I am still not over it despite having grown into the fierce studly specimen that I now
am imagine myself to me.
Oh, how I am enjoying looking back at NO NO FRIDAY. The perspective makes me look like Wonder Dog now!!!!