You may have noticed that our blogging has been somewhat erratic lately. Mom says she has been really stressed out. I say excuses, excuses. (At my expense, I might add.)
I decided we were all so wound up we just needed to go for a drive. You know, put down the top and feel the wind in our hair. I was in my seat and all ready to go but apparently nobody was buying my plan. I was all car and no driver.
In true Westie style, I persisted.
Stayed in that car by myself for quite a while before anybody figured out I was missing decided to come along on a ride with me.
Last time I checked, mom was still super stressed and dad and I were TOTALLY relaxed. Perhaps next time she will join us. Or perhaps I will get my own license. Yes, that would be the better plan I think!! I will learn how to drive and leave them behind!! Can't you just see the looks on people's faces when they see me driving down the street. It's gonna be GREAT!!!