Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Father's Day ... it couldn't be helped!

What can I say but that it was NOT my fault.

It looked like he needed assistance, so I dove right in.


Only the gift bag was damaged.  His new shirts were just fine, thank you very much, so I don't know what all the fuss was about.


Monday, June 15, 2015

Please PLEASE go AWAY!!!!!

Good Lord, Monday.  GO AWAY.

Somebody wake me when Friday comes.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Happy Birthday to my girl Sophie!!!

I remember my first donut like it was yesterday ...
Wishing you a first taste of donut awesomeness kind of day today Sophie.  And many, many more!


Oh, and my mom and dad said to say Happy Birthday too.

Oh, and mom also said do you remember the donut store on the way to the farm?  Apparently, I come from a long dine of donut lovers.  Who knew ?!?!?!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Happy Birthday to the Best Dad Ever!!!!


Happy Birthday Dad!!!
I love you ... from the end of my nose to the tips of my toes.
May mom do our your bidding all weekend long.
May I take myself on long walks so you don't have to (pleeeeease!!!!)
Um ... oh yeah, may our your day be FILLED WITH TREATS.
Wishing the best day ever to the best dad EVER.
Mom and I love you!