Dear Santa,
Wasn't it NICE of me to let my parents call me naughty for the sake of a cute holiday card?
Seriously, I was NOT being naughty when they took that photo.
I was tired. That was about the 473rd photo my mom had taken of me with that silly hat on and I was plum tuckered out.
My dad was tired too, and you don't see anybody calling him naughty on a card and mailing it out to people far and wide.
I'm just saying.
Anyhow, I guess it's up to you now. You've probably already sorted us all into categories. I am not gonna run off and do anything really naughty just in case, but I guess there is no use pointing out my NICENESS anymore this year.
I really tried to be good, Santapaws and I swear that anything otherwise was purely accidental.
Oh, and I will be putting out treats for you tonight before I go to bed and they are the really good kind so you might want to stop here first before you get full. I will get my dad to take me on my night-night walk right after dinner and go to sleep early so you can come on by whenever you are ready.