Monday, June 7, 2010

Another party for my dad

OK. I have a confession to make. My mom is out of town and I am wrangling this blogging all by myself for a few days. I just hit the send button and some of the blogs the next few days are gonna be a little out of order. Ooops. What can I say? Paws on a keyboard people ... think about it.

Geesh. And I thought my mom was a birthday princess. At, yet another not really a birthday party with my dad this weekend, I happened upon this four legged but not quite a dog thingie. Turns out, it's a CAT. My pug friends Bart and Bradley invited me over for another playdate (*) and there were SIX of these four legged fellows there. HOLY COW. I tried to get this one to play with me. We taunted and teased like high school teenagers for a little while. Or, at least that is what I thought it was. Turns out, cats don't actually like dogs much though. I discovered this when I tried to pounce at one point. BAD IDEA. VERY BAD IDEA. The cat pounced back and I ran screaming under the coffee table and headed outside as fast as I could. WHEW. Close call. (**)

Sign me,

Little D, living and learning

(*) Yes, there was an Olympic training session. You'll have to wait for the next episode of "As The Dog Dives" though to hear about it. Ha .. such a tease I am!

(**) Not really in any danger folks. Turns out this cat really considers himself a dog and he really was just trying to play with me. Score one for Team Canine!


  1. Little D - I love the random posts to your blog! You made my day ;) And by the way "felines" are great friends for "canines"! Just don't make any fast moves except the one to avoid the paw/claw to the face :) Can't wait for more pics and blog!
    Love ya D!
    Aunty Karen

  2. عزل ضد الماء
    تسرب الماء من أهم المشاكل التى تواجه المنازل و الذى قد يكن لعدة أسباب مثل تلف بالسباكة أو ثقب بالمواسير أو شروخ و تصدع بأعمال الترميم يؤدى إلى خروج هذه المياه و تأثيرها على بنية المبانى الأساسية و رشح الجدران و الأسطح …

    كما يعتبر تباين درجات الحرارة على البلاط و الحوائط من أهم دلائل تسرب المياه لذلك يجب اتخاذ الحذر تجاه هذه النقطة خاصة و أن مشكلة تسرب المياه من المشكلات الشائعة التى تكررت على الأقل مرة أو مرتين بالمنازل و أدت إلى مشكلات يصعب حلها و تكلفك الكثير من المال؛

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    شركة عزل خزانات بالرس
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