Friday, December 26, 2014

I was NICE!!!!!

Well, I knew that no matter what Santa thought, my friend Sarge would take care of me.  And he did.  Oh, how he did!!! 
I finally got do dive right in and there was so much goodness in that one box it was unbelievable.  Best of all I GOT BALLS.  I mentioned that I was a ball guy and I got not one but TWO new balls.  And treats, and poop bags, and a treat canister and MORE!!!!  Thank you Sarge!!!

Once Sarge's present was open my stomach got a little crampy and I started to wonder how the rest of the morning was going to go.  I did NOT see a stocking hanging by the chimney.  But then this happened:

My mom said Santa left my stocking on the table because it was TOO FULL to hang by the chimney.  More treats and another ball, puppers.
Wooo hoooo ..... I WAS GOOD.
Had me worried there for a minute, Santa.
Until next year,
Thankful Duncan


  1. Glad you had a lovely time yesterday. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. wow that means there were so much things in your stocking that the chimney was not strong enough to hold it. So you must be the bestest doggie :o)
    Easy Rider

  3. You must have been a super good boy to have such a full stocking! congrats Duncan.

  4. OMD Cussin Sarge DOES give Grrrrrreat Pressies... and that Stocking...that was TOO FULL to hang... WOW buddy you had a GRAND Christmas...

  5. Hey Duncan!
    Wow, you did a great job working on that box! BOL I'm so very glad you like your pressies. Shopping for you was a ton of fun. OMD what a great stocking! Santa definitely loves you, buddy. :)
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  6. THREE balls??!! You are all set for the year. Looks like you really got some loot! You must have been VERY nice. We love your stocking. Merry Christmas!

  7. WOW!! You must have been a really good boy Duncan!! We also ate TONS of treats, I find naps are a good way to feel better (so you can eat more!)
    Dory, the Birthday Girl

  8. You scored BIGTIME, Duncan! Have fun playing with all of your new stuffs!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  9. Crikey Duncan ...... I knew you'd be on the nice list. See ..... all that worry for nothing!!! Your stocking, and what a beautiful stocking it is, couldn't even hang on the mantlepiece it was so full. Christmas is great, aye???

  10. That is one pawsome stocking, Duncan! We knew you would be on the nice list! Enjoy your new toys!

    Braeden, Seth and Riley

  11. You sure were good Duncan! We love balls too. Have fun with all your new pressies.

  12. I am glad you did so good with Santa. I just knew you would cause you are so great!

    Loveys Sasha

  13. What an awesome Christmas Stocking. Glad Santa Paws took good care of you. Happy New Year to you all.

    Abby the Lab

  14. Santa makes allowances for terriers, don't you know!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  15. Oh Duncan no doubt in my kitty mind that you were the nicest pup all year and so deserving. Sarge sent you a box full of goodness.
    I just love boxes. MOL MOL MOL
    Hugs madi your bfff

  16. WoooooHoooooo!!!! OMD, you made out like a BANDIT dude!! Hey, did you knows I was a ball-gurl?! Yuppers, LOVES the balls! (wait..that doesn't sound right....☺)
    Anyhu, Looks like you were a very good dude this year Duncan!
    Now...the mischief can begin...Santy paws won;t remember things we do now!! ☺
    What? No. No, I'm not trying to gets Duncan in troubles....geesh. Ma said not to tell you to get into mischief. Yeah, likes I had to tell YOU! BOL
    Ruby ♥
