Saturday, September 13, 2014

Don't forget tomorrow is a special day!

Don't forget tomorrow is THANKFUL TO HAVE KNOWN GRETA DAY everybuddy!!

[Copied from Frankie & Ernie's blog.]

Dear Friends,
      Our friend Greta was taken from us WAY too Soon...  she was actually just a PUP.           Many of us would like to do something Special for Greta's Grieving Family.
    We came up with     THANKFUL TO HAVE KNOWN GRETA Day
   Which will be   on Pet Memorial Day....   SUNDAY  SEPTEMBER 14th.
          You may put up a Post on YOUR blog that day...  reliving your FAVORITE Memory of our sweet girl.
   Now Blogville's Resident Poet and Lord of the Limerick... has offered to Write a SPECIAL POEM for Greta...    and as Part of the poem Oz has offered to allow YOU to send a  SHORT SUMMERY of Your Favorite Memory of Greta.      You can go to the IDAHO PUGRANCH to see a few of the MANY things that Greta is Famous for.
     The Memories for OZ to use in his POEM...  have a strict Dead Lion of :
               FRIDAY Sept. 12th...    NO exceptions as it takes TIME to write a good poem and OZ will be doing just that.        You MUST email your SHORT SUMMERY of the Memory to

    oztheterrier(at)yahoo(dot)com....     BEFORE the Dead Lion...

Please feel FREE to Copy and Paste and POST this Information and OR to copy and paste and EMAIL it to your furends.         We need to get the word out QUICKLY.    Your HELP would be MOST appreciated.
         Furends of Greta