Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's all good!

Well, I know you might have been worrying a bit.

 You know, that I was still in the dog house and all after nipping at Jason.

But let me tell you, my mom must have taken all your comments about that is "just how we Westies roll" to heart because I GOT TO GO TO THE BEACH!!!!!!!!!!

Woo, hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

Man, I love the sand.

Oh, boy do I love those waves.

OK, well not really because they attack me and steal my ball, but I love the IDEA of the waves.

Wowza I love to get all stinky.

Life is good here, puppers.

Life is good!

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  1. Looks like waaaaay fun there Duncan. I love the beach, too, as you've probably noticed. Enjoy the stink!

    Arooo, Stuart

  2. Hi,

    Thanks For posting . Its Really nice . Keep update a more article.Thanks for sharing the knowledge.

    Dog Trainer

  3. You're so lucky! I love going to the beach!

  4. HOLY MOLY!!!! You get to be on the beach with no leash!! I would run run run!!! I do not like that water...scares the bee-jesus out of me!!! Glad you got to go houses are for bad dogs and you my friend are a good dog!!!!

    1. You know me well my friend ... I actually WAS on a leash as I am a run, run, runner too. You just can't see it in the picture!!!

  5. Looks like so much fun. I wish I could go to the beach, you lucky dog!!

    jazzi and addy

  6. Bet you had a blast at the beach! We love to run on the beach!!! And yes, even roll in the stinky stuff!
    xoxo Chloe and LadyBug
