Monday, October 8, 2012

Tacos and an apology ...

Me, wishing for a taco.
Well.  Taco eating day has come and gone in doggie blogland.

And I got nothing.

I had plans.

Heck, even mom had plans.

And we owe a GREAT BIG APOLOGY TO Jazzi's mom, because we told her we would pawticipate and we blew it.

We were gonna make ground chicken tacos with a green bean "shell" with a carrot and cheese topping.

But, alas, it just didn't happen.

Couldn't get our act together on Thursday.

They don't call me "ever hopeful" for nothing though.

The ingredients are in the house so I am hoping that maybe I will get my taco this week.  Day late and a dollar short, for sure, but probably still muy tasty.

I'll keep you posted, puppers.

I'll keep you posted!


  1. Oh, too bad you missed it but maybe we could all drop by and go to Taco Bell together?

    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  2. Duncan, I know how you feel pal, being in the same boat myself, and having to make do with LAST YEAR'S taco! I mean, I know that Gail hates to waste food and is always eating out of date stuff, but REALLY!
    Toodle pip!

  3. Better late than never Duncan!! Gets your Moms hinnie in gear, and get those tacos made!! They sound amazin'!!



  4. It's a shame you missed Taco Day, but getting a taco is a great thing doesn't matter if it's late!

  5. Bummer that you missed October 4th but we hope you still get to have your taco, Duncan. Go for it!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

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