Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dear Mimi,

Hi Mimi,

We got your gigantic box of presents and I just wanted to let you know that Mom let me open the one that said "OPEN EARLY."

She tried to take the box away from me after I grabbed it out of her hand, but I was too quick for her.  Sorry Santa, but I don't think it is naughty if it is your own gift that you are running away with, especially if it specifically says to open this one early.

Thank you for the very special "DUNCAN" ornament!!!!!  As you can see, Mom took it out of the box to hang it on the tree and I went back for the box after she set it down.

I guess you can say it was the gift that kept on giving!!!

Love you Mimi!


  1. Pawsome giftie Duncan...I luffs a bit of shredding as well!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. OH DUNCAN.... the BOX is PAWt of the GIFT... it is Supposed to be Savored and Shredded and Enjoyed... Santa will think you did it all TOTALLY correct... THAT is a grand EARLY Pressie, if you ask US.

  3. What a terrific Christmas present. Pierre enjoys running away when his goodies too. Must be a Westie thing! BOL!

  4. Your very own ornie has to be enjoyed for as long as possible! Good goin' opening it early, Duncan!

  5. How nice!!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. dummy us cannot find the comment box again, we have red cheeks, did mom let you open our gift yet stella rose

  6. Duncan, I think all your actions were totally justified.
    Toodle pip!
