Thursday, January 16, 2014

Why, it was lovely, thank you!

Well, since you asked, my birthday was excellent, thank you very much!  It was full of bags of tissue to shred, treats and other pressies.

It. Was. Awesome.

A couple of you have asked about the pupcake.  No, it was not as pretty as the ones for my human co-celebrators.  Butt, I dare say, mine was more delicious.  It was a decadent three layer treat made with my regular old dry food, enhanced with a couple of scoops of the stinkiest best wet food from a CAN, and the "candle" was made of one of my favorite Trader Joe's chicken treats.


And, since we missed (ugh, mom!) the time warp photo day earlier this week, here is a little photo of me 4 years ago, when I was not so grown up as I am today!
Life is good, puppers.
Life is good!


  1. Duncan, I never doubted that yours was BY FAR the most awesome of the pupcakes. That and tissues to shred too. I am humming 'Perfect Day'.
    Toodle pip!

  2. Glad you had a swell time Duncan and we drooled over the pix of your cake. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Duncan....Hap-Pee Belated Birthday. I sure hope you saved me a piece of that cake!

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful Birthday. You where very cute as a young pup.

  5. THAT is a super Birfday Cake recipe.. We are gonna have mom SAVE it fur OUR Birfdays.

    WE love your Time Warp pictures... no matter WHEN you posted them. They are GRRRREAT.

  6. Oh yum....that's the best kind of pupcake in our opinion. Love the puppy picture.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  7. Your pupcake sounds fabulous to us, Duncan! You were sure one cute little pup!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  8. Glad your birfday was wonderful! Aw, if we could all be pups together!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  9. Oh Duncan, you are one lucky fella!!! That pupcake is just makin' me slobbers all over myself! Yummers fursure!
    And you as a wee lad.....AWWWWEEEEE!! Soooo cute!!
    (BTW, your STILL cute, butts ya know...puppy breath and all....)
    Happy Happy Happy Burthday Duncan!
    Ruby ♥

  10. Hi! I's back to bloggin again!

    Dat pupcake looks tasty!

  11. Oh dat pupcake's got me droolin', Duncan...

  12. Nawww!! What a cute pup!

    We like the idea of that pup-cake! We'll have to make sure the peep thinks of that when our barkdays come around!

  13. Happy happy woofy HAPPY belated birthday to you Duncan!
    Well, I would say your pup cake was well nicer than that human ones, it sounded great! Glad you had a super day, and what a cute wee pup you were!
    Pippa :)
